I Want To Have My Own Brand (Private Label) How Do I Start?


There are clear advantages for the production of private label.
The expended control over product characterization, development process and marketing remains with the customer and significantly increases his status in the market competition, both in terms of margins and in terms of delivery times and lack of dependence on multiple external factors.
The process of setting up a private label, in fact maintains the power and vision in the hands of the customer, according to which the products will be built. However, a great idea does not guarantee the success of a product. There are many steps on the way, such as extensive research both for selecting the manufacturer, who is responsible for the quality of the resulting product , and about potential markets and marketing penetration strategies

Private Label Tips

Private Label Tips-Starting your own private label line can be a time consuming process wherein a large number of various nuances should be taken into consideration. Therefore, before contacting a manufacturer that is to implement your private label project, we recommend you to think through the following important points:


Private Labe Tips-Important points:

• A precise list of items that you would like to include into your cosmetic line
• Desirable and undesirable ingredients in your formulations . For example, you might want to include specific oils or herbal extracts into the formulations or, on the contrary, make your cosmetics paraben-free, formaldehyde-free, SLS/SLES free, or totally sulfate-free etc. Certainly, your choice of product content might affect the final product cost.See Here Skin Care Ingredients 
• Packaging. We welcome customers who decide to provide us with packaging for filling in. In case you prefer us to take care of packaging for your line, please consider in advance:*material (plastic, glass, aluminum),
• *desirable shape (If you have images or samples of the packaging you like, please provide them to us. On the other hand, we can recommend you visiting websites of Israeli packaging suppliers – manufacturers and importers – to see packaging available in stock and for a purchase on request.)
• *size (ml/fl oz; gram/oz),
• Design of printed packaging – label/print on bottle/jar/tube, printed box.



In our experience, the thing that takes most of time in the preparation process to start a private label line is DESIGN. We strongly recommend you to start thinking of your desired design long before an order is agreed between you and the manufacturer. A clear idea of the packaging design will make easier both your work with the designer and getting a precise quote from the manufacturer – certain elements of the design can be crucial for the printing cost and thus influence the total product cost quite significantly.
For more details, please read the Packaging Design Advice.
• Last but not least piece of important data that enables us to give you a precise quote for manufacturing your line is Purchase Quantities. Prices and discounts that we can offer depend on your desired purchase quantities per each item as well as the global picture of your order.For more information, please read Purchase Quantities Advice and Criteria.
• As a manufacturer, we do have certain requirements for MOQ set by our minimal production batch, MOQs of packaging suppliers and printing houses.
For more information, please read Purchase Quantities Advice and Criteria.

Are you interested in your own Private Label products?

If you want to get started, and a minimum of 500 units per product is what you have in mind, we are here to help you launch!